Professor Name: Abbas
Family Name: Shafai
Academic Department: Radiology
Organization POS: Research Administrator & Academic Member.
Academic Degree: Assistant Professor
Teaching Records: Radiology Physics, Dosimeter of radiation, Radiotherapy Physics, Medical equipment, Medical Physics.
Education: PhD
Subject Field: Medical Physics.
Research Interests: Medical Imaging Dosimeter, Monte Carlo Simulation Radiotherapy.
Executive Records: Head of Education, Research Administrator.
Email: Shafaei
Tel: 0411-3368733
Executive Tasks:
· Cooperation with Dean of Faculty in the collection and regulation of new research methods with Faculty head.
· Preparation and regulation research programs with Academic members collaboration.
· Supervision on all of fairs related to Academic members and students seminars.
· Preparing and planning related to research workshop and preparation of proposals.
· Estimating of the all Faculty research needs - forecast and prepared and regulation the annual Budget for Faculty research program.
· Participate in meetings and various sessions.
· Super vision on work of research staff and guide them at entrusted works.
· Preparing report of the works was done and notify that to Dean of Faculty.
· Perform other tasks related to regulation.